Bookings & Reservations
All reservations must be placed at least 72 hours prior to date for picnics under 10 guests.
Picnics for 10 or more guests must be booked 14 days in advance. A 50% Booking Retainer of Client's total picnic package will be due to reserve the date
The remaining balance will be due 7 days prior to Client's picnic. If the event is within 7 days, the full picnic package will be due upon booking. Number of guests, additional time, and extended traveling requests must be submitted and paid for at time of booking.
Photo Release
Yard Gal Picnics and Decor reserves the rights and permissions to use photographs and/or videos taken on event date for any legal uses, including but not limited to; publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising, and web content. Client is to understand that no royalty, fee or any other compensation shall become payable to the Client or anyone in the Client's party by reason of such use.
Property Damage
Once we have left the picnic location you are solely responsible for all Yard Gal Picnics and Decor items till we are back to pack up. All items should be returned in the condition as received. Soiled fabrics, broken glass, and any other damaged property will be subjected to a property damage fee to replace all items damaged. Fees vary depending on the cost to replace the item. We ask that you please use our provided setup responsibly to avoid these additional charges. Smoking is prohibited on Yard Gal Picinic and Decor property and will be considered as property damage penalty due to the remaining scent left on our property as well as cigarette.
Termination Of Service
When booking a picnic, Client is obligated to provide the correct number of guests that will be in attendance of the event. Additional guests shall be paid for at time of booking. Inviting NON-PAID additional guests to a picnic will result in immediate termination of service. The additional guests fees not only secures that persons seat at a table but also covers the extra setup and cleanup costs. Disruption of peace will also result in immediate termination of service. This includes of any obnoxious, unpleasant, or offensive behavior such as loud music playing, using profanity, yelling, public intoxication, or violence.
Covid Precautions
We clean and sanitize everything we use also ensure we wear mask and gloves for our setups. We kindly ask our guest to adhere to the covid guidelines and if you are experiencing any covid symptoms please take the necessary precautions.